BestChange.com is a free Internet-service intended to help finding electronic currency exchange services with the best exchange rates.
How long does bestchange.com works?
Exchange monitoring BestChange.com was launched 10 years ago (June 19, 2007), and still continues improving everyday.
How to exchange electronic currency with the best rates using your site?
To perform the most profitable exchange operations you should take the following simple steps:
1. Choose a currency pair for exchange; 2. Click the name of the required currencies on the left panel (for example, in the "Give" column select PayPal, and in the "Get" column select Perfect Money;
3. After that you will be transferred to the exchange offer page of the service, and can start selecting the most optimal exchanger with the best exchange rate and reserve. By default, the exchange service table is sorted by the exchange rate profitability, but you can sort it the other way too (for example, by the amount of available reserve, by testimonials and so on);
4. Choose an exchange service you feel the most appropriate and make sure this service possesses sufficient currency reserve to carry out this operation. Take a look at the latest reviews of this exchanger to make sure it has no problems at this time;
5. Click the line with the name of the interesting exchange service. After that, the home page of this exchange service will be opened in a new window;
6. Perform the exchange on that website;
7. Optionally: leave a review of the work of this exchange service on our monitoring.
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